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Carlos Azevedo


Carlos is a young and passionate leader in AI and Data Science building purposeful products with lasting societal impact at Coteminas.

Carlos is a young and passionate leader in AI and Data Science building purposeful products with lasting societal impact at Coteminas, one of the most digitalized textile industries in the world. As Cotemina’s director of data science, he is behind the AI team building Persono, a disruptive initiative that seeks to transform human conscience about the power of Sleep to live a better and significant life. Carlos has also been responsible for innovative data-driven products and new technologies in the rental, retail, mobile, and IoT industries, leveraging algorithms to empower costumers to be in control of their own purchase decisions, minimizing consumerism and maximizing people’s well-being. He holds a PhD in Computer Engineering and was honored with the best Brazil’s engineering thesis in 2014 by the Ministry of Education. As a disruptor, his current life ambitions include leveraging AI to disrupt education, science, and governance.


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